Karalundi Kids First Taste Of Cricket

Red dirt. Laughter. Bat against ball.

The sounds of Karalundi kids giggling through their first taste of the game in late afternoon light was a special moment.  

In October, we visited the Aboriginal community just north of Meetharra to deliver Deadly Cricket – the WA Cricket Foundation’s fun, games-based program provides these kids with a place to go after school that keeps them active and healthy in a safe environment.

Getting the kids engaged with cricket is the starting point, because in these remote communities it’s their first time playing cricket and who knows, we might spot our next Australian cricketer out here.

Aimed primary school aged kids, programs like Deadly Cricket help to drive a sense of belonging to community which it vital for mental and physical well-being. 

In the last year we have been able to reach more than 600 Aboriginal kids through this program and we are getting incredible feedback from the local communities that have been involved.

This is one of those really special programs that really help and I hope we can continue to fund them through the WA Cricket Foundation.

– Adam Cockie, Project Officer – Aboriginal Cricket.

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