Foundation Continues To Grow

The Western Australian Cricket Association’s philanthropic arm, the WA Cricket Foundation (WACF) welcomes three new Board members who will help support the future of cricket in WA and the community in which it operates.

Through the Foundation, the WACA is funding and supporting key initiatives that will deepen its engagement in the community with a focus on Female Programs and Aboriginal Programs particularly in Regional WA, as well as raising funds for the WACA Ground Improvement Project. 

As the WACF continues to grow the inclusion of Mrs Meredith McClements, Mr John Gardner and Mr John Goodlad to the Board has been a welcome step forward. 

The new additions will complement the existing WACF Board Members; Chair Dr Bob Every AO, the Hon. Dr Ken Michael AC, Mr John Nolan, Ms Kate O’Hara and Mr David Robb who will continue to seek support for programs that enrich, support and inspire our State. 

Meredith McClements has a background in fashion and property development. She is an enthusiastic sports fan and an active philanthropist who is passionate about the contribution sport can make to society and the development of individuals. Mrs McClements currently holds roles at the McClements Foundation, Pinjarra Junction Shopping Centre, the Foundation for the WA Museum, Methodist Ladies College and is a Member of the Perth Festival Chair’s Circle. 

John Gardner is a founding Partner and joint Managing Director of Citadel-MAGNUS, Australia’s leading independent corporate and financial communication firm and has more than 20 years’ experience in corporate communication, issues management and investor relations. Mr Gardner has been a WACA Member for more than 30 years and is a long-term playing member of Claremont-Nedlands CC. He is also a Member of the West Coast Eagles and a former Board Director of Screenwest.

John Goodlad is a former Australian diplomat who has spent the last 20 years as an Investment Advisor with Hartleys Ltd working with Australian and international clients. Mr Goodlad is a Committee Member of the WA Museum’s Artefact Circle and an Ambassador for Yirra Yaakin – a leading Aboriginal performing arts company. He was, until recently, on the Board of Artrage which runs the WA Fringe Festival and former Chair of the Methodist Ladies College Foundation.

WACF Chair Dr Bob Every said;

“I am delighted that Meredith McClements, John Gardner and John Goodlad have agreed to join the Foundation Board to complement the skill sets of the existing Board members. 

“All three share a passion for the great game of cricket and bring a diverse array of skills that will help the Foundation achieve its vision… to enrich, support and inspire our State.

“Dr Ken Michael, John Nolan, Kate O’Hara, David Robb and myself have been active on the Foundation Board since its inception in 2017 and we continue to seek philanthropic gifts for key programs that support inclusion, diversity, health, and development.

“As a Board, we will continue to engage the community in our vision for the WACA Ground and how it is a vehicle for positive community outcomes.”

For more information about the WA Cricket Foundation, including how to donate click here.