Empowering the Leaders of Tomorrow

“A good leader is someone who’s willing to win for their team, not themselves.”

After weeks of workshops, that’s just the start of what the savvy Year 8’s at Kent Street Senior High School know about leadership.

Taking feedback well and lifting others up when they need it.

Being optimistic, trustworthy and someone others can look up to – these are the tools of a good role model according to the WA Cricket Foundation’s latest graduates of the Social Leaders program for young women in Years 6 to 8.

“The program is really important for the girls to gain the skills necessary to build better connections with their classmates, not just on the field but maybe in a maths or science class,” said David Aldridge, Cricket Coordinator at Kent Street SHS.

“If they can learn to work well with their peers, that will help prepare them for the world outside of school,” he said.

The program introduces students to the concept of leadership and what being a good leader looks like, leaning on strong female cricket role models such as Meg Lanning and Christina Matthews.

Delivered in WA classrooms over 4-6 weeks, Social Leaders can be tailored to different sporting codes and individual schools through a mixture of theory and practical sessions.

“It’s designed to be a flexible program, so it adapts to each school we’re in,” said Caitlin Spencer, WA Cricket Female Engagement and Volunteers Specialist.

“The girls are actually taking the skills they’ve learnt in the Social Leaders program and implementing them in their outside lives,” she said.

Social Leaders is run by WA Cricket specialists in schools, year-round.

To learn more email Caitlin Spencer, WA Cricket Female Engagement and Volunteers Specialist – caitlin.spencer@wacricket.com.au