Cricket around the clock to give all kids a shot

A group of young cricketers are staying up for 24-hours this weekend as part of the Net24 campaign to raise funds for Rebound WA.

Rebound WA is a charity organisation that connects people with physical disabilities to sport and recreation.

Their aim is to purchase a custom trailer that will bring running frames to athletes with disabilities around the state to take part in Frame Running which is an innovative sport that utilises a three-wheeled supportive frame so those with mobility disabilities can experience the joy of running.

Net24 is a non-stop 24-hour net session to raise funds for charity and was first established by a group of U11 players from the Kalamunda Cricket Club in 2022.

Last year they raised a total of $6000, and this years’ total has already surpassed that before the net hit-out officially begins.

This year, the campaign is set to expand, with players from the U10 and U14 teams, plus coaches all giving their time to get involved for a worthy cause.

D’Arcy Short will be supporting the cause from 4:30pm – 5:15pm tomorrow afternoon at Kostera Reserve.

WA Cricket Inclusion and Diversity Specialist Jade Wyllie said it was wonderful that younger generations were looking to make a difference.

“It is fantastic to see local clubs like Kalamunda finding ways to support their community and what makes this even more special is the fact it came straight from the junior players,” Wyllie said.

“To see some of our younger players actively wanting to make a difference in the inclusion space is excellent and we’re thrilled to support this wonderful campaign.

“Well done to all those involved, and we can’t wait to see how successful the 2023 net session is.”

The first ball will be at 9:30am on Saturday March 25, and to support Net24, click here.